Friday 1 November 2013


Man!! These last few weeks have been ridiculously crazy!! I've been sick mostly, but also working and trying to keep up with Math. Life lately, while hectic, has been absolutely perfect. J and I have been getting along very well and have been each other's partner in crime. B is still doing great! It amazes me at how much one can thrive if given the right circumstances. I know choices are choices and can affect life in either a positive or negative aspect, but its nice to see her making good decisions. 

I mentioned last time that I've been researching the idea of vegetarianism. Well I'm proud to tell you that as of today I am officially a vegetarian! I have also had 2 days without meat and I feel amazing! I've been asked why I want to be a veg head and for a little while I wasn't sure. I don't agree with animal cruelty, however its not a strong enough belief to give up meat. The main reason I've given up meat is for health reasons. I just discovered through this experiment that when giving up meat, my stomach aches go away. I've also discovered that I no longer feel sluggish and tired. Lets not even bring up the grain they're fed and all the antibiotics meat animals are injected with. Its just a hot mess that I want nothing to do with anymore. I currently have no cravings for meat, but Im sure the day will come when I do. I just hope I can find enough recipes that I love to help keep those at bay.

Yesterday the fam and I went to Aladdins - and I tried some new foods. I learned that I do not care for falafel or Greek salad dressing. I'm not so much proud that I don't like - but that I even tried them. A big secret about J and I - up until recently, we've eaten like toddlers. The same foods over and over a gain with no real culinary variety or nutrients for that matter. I'm a bit ashamed of it yes, but it's the truth and I've moved on.  I plan to keep you all up to date on the most recent developments with my new diet and all the positives and negatives that come from it!

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