Saturday 19 October 2013

Heart Broken

Its no secret that I'm a lover. I love most people and all animals *except for spiders...and snakes*. This week had been particularly rough given the fact that I was sick on an off and we had a hell of a fiasco with our bank account. I thought for certain last night that I was over the funk of the week until I got some of the worst news I could possibly get. This past summer J and I fostered two dogs. Rockette was a boxer/pitt mix and Wessen was a pit bull puppy. We drove 13 hours to North Carolina to rescue them out of a bad situation - not the worst I've ever seen, but definitely needed improvement. I told myself that I would not get attached to them since we were only fostering them. I even did well when J took them back home in late July.  It was OK because I knew they were going back to good home, where they would be loved and taken care of. Unfortunately, because I also am too trusting, I found out the hard way that I was wrong. 

Last night I got a message explaining that Wessen has passed away last week. Yup, you read that correctly - a whole week after her passing I found out. Turns out she was rehomed given up to a "friend".  I have my own suspicions as to what happened, but allegedly sweet Baby Wessen stopped breathing in her sleep. I'm going to choose to accept that answer because, honestly, its too painful to think about the truth and the most likely reason why she passed. People always laugh at me when I explain that I believe pets go to Heaven. I don't think Heaven would be Heaven without all of the things we love. While our animals may not go, I believe that there will dogs with God and that when we look at them we'll see our babies that we have loved and lost. Maybe everyone will see an animal and instead of seeing the true animal we'll see what we think is our cat/dog/bird/hamster. Either way I head to bed with a heavy heart - knowing that this world is short one more sweet loving 4-legged baby. RIP Wessen - I'll never forget you even though I only had you for a short time.

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