Monday 21 October 2013

Hypocrisy Angers Me

I am not ashamed of my life - or my choices. No matter what has happened in my life I will talk about it - mostly because everything has led me to where I am right now; the happiest I've ever been! With that said I have no trouble explaining that as brought up as a Born Again Baptist. I was in and Independent Fundamental Baptist Church until I was 20 years old. J and I also got married when I was 20. A lot of people blame him as the reason I stopped going to church - and sadly that is the furthest thing from the truth! 

The reason I stopped going to the church is because I was finally able to think on my own and realize that the people I was surrounding myself with are not even close to the people I want to be around. Don't get me wrong - like in every situation there are good and bad and extremists on both sides of the spectrum. What I came to realize is that the majority of the people in my former church said one thing but lived something completely, drastically different. For instance, "Come as you are" was a common tag line - but what wasn't so advertised was "as long as you believe the same way we do". "Church is a hospital for sick people" was another "however were all going to pretend like we're the doctor and tell you what to do" was the line out the other side of their mouths. "We love everyone the same"...."unless you aren't in our little clique then you can go away." My favorite has to be "Don't put God in a box - He can work through any situation" ...."unless it happens to be music, dress, and preaching/teaching."

I saw all of this because I saw the most HORRENDOUS thing I could have possibly ever seen. Sadly the video has since been removed, however I will still expound upon the video. It was video that was most likely shot by a cell phone camera of some teens in a bowling alley. Now everyone who's ever been bowling knows that the music is very loud and its full of some pretty unique people. In the video a song by Lady Gaga comes on - not sure of the song but in the video this young man goes on to talk about what an abomination she is and what a whore she is and how she soooo evil. And its that kind of  hateful speaking and actions that really irk me. You cant say what you want to just because you're a "Christian" In fact - I would dare say you're not a Christian at all. The idea of Christianity is being Christ like- and I HIGHLY doubt God would say those things. The God I was raised to believe in is loving and kind and wins people through compassion - not slandering and calling names. I really wish I could access the video and the comments that went along with it so you could get a better understanding of what I'm referring to.  It saddens me that for so long I was associated with those people - not the belief system because I still feel that its right - but just the extreme things these people say and then they do the opposite. 

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