Friday 18 October 2013

It Just Wont Stop

To say my life is chaotic is quite the understatement! Life for me is a whirlwind which I cannot get out of. Not saying that I want to be out of it completely, but sometimes its nice to get off the roller coaster for a little bit. I currently am married to an amazing man, J, that I love with all my heart and soul. We've been together for 7 years and married for 5 of those. He is my rock - mentally, emotionally, physically...hes just fills parts of my life that I didnt know I was missing. We also have 2 sweet puppies, Stella and Dexter, who make me so unbelievably happy. Without them I probably would have thrown myself off the Empire State Building. They are the epitome of stress relief and cuteness.

Together with J and our sweet puppies my sister, B, is also living with us. Its funny when you're growing up together you always wanna kill the other one, especially when shes 5 years your junior and just HAS to be with you allll the time. Since my wedding in 2008 B and I have gotten so close. Shes grown into a beautiful woman who is spreading her wings and making her own choices. She really has shocked me with how quickly she picked up "being on her own". While shes not completely alone, she is figuring out the ropes of adult hood and hopefully learning from my mistakes - and trust me, there's a LOT of them.

You're going to find through this blog that I am not the average 25 year old woman. I have been through a lot in my life and I have some differing opinions about things because of what I've experienced. The biggest thing to remember is that any judgement or negativity will not be tolerated! I'm not saying you cant have a differing opinion - just don't be rude and pushy about it. My goal through this is let people know they're not alone. If there is just one person I can help because of this blog - my mission is a success.

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